
Asbestos Threat Continues to Rise in Asia

The U.S. Senate will consider whether the importation and use of asbestos should be banned in the United States. More than forty countries around the world have banned or removal is completed, including the countries of the European Union in 1999. But despite the fact that many countries of asbestos, asbestos remains high worldwide production. When asbestos is used? What is now the majority of the population risk of death and disease in the use of asbestos products?

Asia, apparently.

The secretariat of the International Ban Asbestos (IBA) has published a report called Killing the future: the use of asbestos in Asia. Only in recent years, the available information on the use of asbestos in Asia and the IBAS report presents available data on the use of asbestos and the effects of the use of asbestos in various Asian countries.

As the reduction or the use of asbestos is banned in Western countries, the rapid economic growth and the lack of rules protecting workers has led to the use of asbestos to rise in developing countries of Asia. Experience in Vietnam shows the tension between economic growth and public health, driving the current situation in Asia: although the Vietnamese government has called for a ban on asbestos, the use of asbestos actually increased by 32 percent between 2000 and 2004 and the transition to the phase of asbestos is difficult and delayed. The IBA report, 90 percent of the countries with the largest increase in the use of asbestos are found in Asia, and most people are exposed to living and working in Asia. Asian countries account for 70 percent of world production of asbestos, and nearly 50 percent of global consumption of asbestos.

Although China is one of the five largest producers of asbestos in the world is more and more imports of asbestos, mainly from Russia, to meet national needs. Approximately 100,000 Chinese workers occupationally exposed to asbestos, and most workers have no health insurance provided by the employer. Only 8.7 percent of the structures examined all types of professionals in the health department or organization, not the twelve jobs meet Chinese safety standards for the use of asbestos.

The use of asbestos in India increased from 30 percent in recent years, second only to China in Asia, consumption of asbestos. The 49 plants for the production of cement which produced 2.4 million tonnes of cement in 2005, worth U.S. $ 200 million between 2003 and 2006, production of asbestos cement with more than 15 percent per year. Studies have found up to 23 percent of workers in some plants showed signs of asbestosis, and records are not kept, the number of people diagnosed with mesothelioma.

The industry includes asbestos and made use of economic pressure from Asia, that his finger on the scale of economic actions against the public health by means of a campaign to reduce the risk of exposure to asbestos. In part because the field of propaganda that the use of asbestos is safe if "controlled" or, incredibly, that exposure to certain forms of asbestos is safe at all Asian workers are not protected against the deadly risks. The President of India, manufacturers of asbestos Products Association said that "the asbestos used in India is safe from any risks to health." The campaign of propaganda in Asia was extremely effective, leading to the policies of asbestos in government and high levels of exposure to asbestos. And an observer Asia Monitor Resource Center witness of Vietnamese workers in a factory to work without any protection, cutting open bags of asbestos with knives, assault, and pieces of dry wood with hammers of asbestos prior to grinding. The workers were in asbestos dust, and the factory had no ventilation of asbestos dust from the air, but fans of all dust and kept on flying aircraft and employees in the breathing.

Some Asian countries have banned asbestos, or attempt to use. Japan has recently banned asbestos, but the death of her history, the use of asbestos continues long into the future. The public protest that led to the ban after the release of dozens of deaths related to asbestos in asbestos cement Pipe Plant Kanzaki. The first deaths from asbestos in the factory was founded in 1979 and in March 2006, Kanzaki full 10 percent of former employees who worked at the plant for more than a year to deceased mesothelioma. Probably there will be many more victims on the use of asbestos in Asia.

Asia is the favorite place for disposing of asbestos-contaminated ships. Called "ship breaking" the breaking and dismantling of ships contaminated with asbestos, mercury, lead and PCBs is a complicated and costly process if done correctly. But much can be done cheaper in Asia, where unprotected workers dismantle the ships in primitive conditions, pulling asbestos with bare hands and with their faces covered by a handkerchief, but not without value to filter microscopic asbestos fibers that enter l 'air.

Certainly, asbestos is not an isolated example of the exports of developing countries in the trade of products and substances that are illegal or difficult to distribute in their countries. And the best way to avoid legal obligations that face in their countries, while benefiting from asbestos, pesticides or other chemicals. Workers in Asia or in Central America and Africa, almost certainly not be able to these companies responsible for damage, unless the laws are changed.

We are happy in our legal system still allows us to us to injure or kill a member of our family. I hope that we will shortly have the protection of the ban on the importation and use of asbestos in the United States. But Western law, the protection of workers, not only in Europe and the United States, but also regulate the behavior acceptable to the European and the U.S., where they operate.

The use of asbestos in Asia is growing in Asian countries follow the same route traveled by the western countries before them. Instead of the output from our mistakes, we must share in the benefits of our experience, the safer alternatives that we have found, so that generations of workers in Asia will not suffer the same fate of thousands of workers die each year from diseases related with asbestos and mesothelioma.

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1 comment:

titan said...

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:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))

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