
Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Treating Mesothelioma

Because this is a rare cancer, it is difficult for doctors to assess the value of different treatments. As many doctors have little or no experience with the treatment of this disease may be referred to a practitioner in a large center. Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. One problem in the treatment of mesothelioma is that it grows as a mass . Instead, it seems that along the surface, nerves and blood vessels. This makes it difficult for one or more forms of treatment to get rid of all the unlikely disease.

While is surgery to treat cancer, the patient life.Depending the type and stage of cancer, chemotherapy may be treated as an intervention or surgery. Chemotherapy for the disease is to alleviate the symptoms, not cure cancer.As a rule, the treatment does not help for mesothelioma and the need to cover a wider portion of the lungs leads to problems of damage to the lungs. But radiation can be used in conjunction with the operation to kill small areas of cancer that can not be seen and removed during the operation. It may also be used as a form of symptoms such as dyspnea, pain, bleeding, or difficulty swallowing. If moisture accumulates in the chest, the drugs may be radioactive in the area after the liquid was removed. This can help prevent the fluid returns.

New Mesothelioma Research

Research is always ongoing in the area of mesothelioma. Much of this research has focused on learning how to change normal cells to asbestos and its DNA can lead to cancer. Understanding how these fibers can cause cancer to help find ways to prevent these changes.Now we know about the dangers of asbestos, which can reduce or stop their use in homes, public buildings and workplaces. But the rules to protect people from asbestos is much less severe (or even not at all) in any other countries. Research you know more about the role (if any) of a virus (SV40), which is associated with some mesothelioma chemotherapy drugs do not work very well against studies.Because advanced mesothelioma, a series of new ideas are being explored. These are drugs that kill cancer by blocking the supply of blood and drugs that interfere with the ability of some tumor cells grow quickly.Doctors always more to know the best way to treat people with mesothelioma. Treatments combining surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and are currently under investigation and the most promising option for some patients.New drugs, along with other types of treatments being tested in clinical practice is a new approach trials.Another form gene therapy. This treatment uses special viruses that have been modified in the laboratory. The virus is injected into space around the lungs, where it infects the cells cancerous. When this happens, the virus, in turn, injected into a cancer gene that may help immune cells to attack cancer.

Research at UAB

The University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB) Comprehensive Cancer Center, an academic research center and hospital, and is currently a series of studies on the treatment of UABs mesothelioma.In 2005 Spring / Summer magazine published information on ongoing investigations are conducted by Katri Selander, MD, Ph.D., a research associate in the Cancer Center, and Pierre Triozzi, MD, on the effects of bisphosphonates on cancer cells. Bisphosphonates are medicines used to treat and prevent osteoporosis. They are also used to treat metastatic breast cancer and prostate cancer cancers.The UAB article reported that Drs. Selander Triozzi and examined the effects of bisphosphonates on cancer cell culture and animal models, and have found a drug that kills cells in both mesothelioma. Other results of these studies have been reported in the month of May 1, 2006 Clinical Cancer Research, vol. 12, 2862-2868, in European Journal of Pharmacology, Volume 559, Number 1, dated 15 March 2007. Key points of this article in Clinical Cancer Research, explains that "the use of radioactive substances diagnositc bisphosphonates were found accumlation of bisphosphonates in mesothelioma," and said the findings "further study of bisphosphonates in the treatment of mesothelioma." The European Journal of Pharmacology report that "pre-clinical studies show that bisphosphonates ihibit also the proliferation of tumor cells in vitro and in.

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1 comment:

HAPIA Mesir said...


q kuran paham bahasa inggris sih.....hehehe...

jadi mw komen apa ya?????

:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))

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