According to the research, 160.000 Americans die each year because of the Lung Cancer. There are a number of different types of Lung Cancer, including epidermoid carcinoma (known as squamous cell carcinoma), adeno carcinoma, and branchioalveolan carcinoma. Each types have different varieties spread and respon of treatment, but all are potentially deadly.
Most people said, lung cancer usually related to smoking tobacco (more than 87% of ltng cancer cases are related to tobacco smoking). Other cases shown, that exposure to asbestos fibers are other ways of getting the disease. Combination of both greatly increase the risk of developing asbestos cancer.
A lot of studies have comfirmed that men who work exposed to asbestos have increased risk being diagnosed with asbestos cancer. These studies indicate that are acting as direct carcinogen.
Not like other asbestos related diseases such as mesothelioma, asbestos cancer symptoms almost always bring the patient to seek treatment. Most asbestos cancer patient report symptoms such as respiratory distress, intensified smokers caugh, pain in the chest-back-shoulder, wheezing, volume and color change of sputum, recurring respiratory ailments like bronchitis, fatique, pain, loss of appetite, and facial swelling.
Eventhough asbestos cancer is a major disease with highly death rate, it can be treated and will be recoveries. Earlier the cancer is detected, it means better chance for a successful treatment. People who have been exposed to asbestos and develop symptoms associated with lung cancer should seek medical care right away, so that profesional can begin to fight the cancer.
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