Not sit and keep guessing. Consult your doctor.
Get Mesothelioma tests done.
Fast start of treatment will help reduce the pain of cancer.
Sound imaging techniques used in Mesothelioma tests are X-Ray, CT (computer tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance) and PET (positive electron tomography)
Invasive procedures for the samples of tissues and fluids are also done. Normal invasive procedures () invade the body needs to have a final confirmed Mesothelioma Diagnosis (Thoracoscopy, biopsy and Peritoneoscopy)
Recently, the first blood test for mesothelioma have been made, as reported by the Pacific Northwest Research Institute. This is based on the fact that Mesothelioma cells release tumor markers called SMR (soluble mesothelin-related) proteins.
Two important questions are answered before you start with the Mesothelioma diagnosis are:
You have been exposed to asbestos? (Even if not all cases of mesothelioma are the direct result of exposure to asbestos is a strong association between the two.)
Do you experience Mesothelioma symptoms?
If you suspect that they have been exposed to asbestos and Mesothelioma tests done at first.
Wrong diagnosis and late diagnosis is a grave error in Mesothelioma as treatment becomes difficult with late diagnosis.
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